Calendars are a useful way for managing appointments in your system. Before creating a calendar, you’ll want to ensure you have an understanding on unassigned vs. team calendars. Please refer to our tutorial “How to Create and Utilize Teams Within Your Calendar” to learn more about teams and team calendar setup.
Step 1: Navigate to Calendars
Select Calendars from the Settings menu
Select + New Calendar under the desired calendar team
Step 2: Calendar Team & Event Setup
Choose your Appointment Distribution - How do you want appointments for services to be distributed for the team
Optimize for availability – Select user, priority level, and location for each team member. Availability is based on priority level
Optimize for Equal Distribution – Select the user and enter a location for each team member. Sets appointments by sequence, starts at the top of the list of users, and works its way down
Calendar – Description on Calendar
Calendar name – Name for your calendar
Description – Written representation for event
Calendar URL - Path Name for your calendar link
Appointment title – Name for appointment (add title after {{}})
Event color – Color the event will appear in
Save & Continue.
Step 3: Managing Availability
Customize Appointment Slot Settings
Slot Duration – Duration of each appointment
Slot Interval – Frequency of appointment availability
Buffer Duration Between Appointment - determines how frequently appointments can be booked in relation to each other
Appointments Per Slot - Maximum number of appointments permitted per slot for the user (If the number of appointments exceed for the given slot for the user, then it either switches over to the next user in the round-robin queue or marks the slot unavailable for the prospect to book)
Appointments Per Day - Maximum number of appointments permitted per day on this calendar
Choose Scheduling Notice
Minimum Scheduling Notice – Days to be notified before appointment
Date Rage – Days events can be scheduled in the next entered days
Set Office Hours
Select days – Blue = Days selected, Grey = Unselected Days
Select + Hours to add additional hours to specific days
Select Apply All to copy hours for the rest of the days selected
Save & Continue
NOTE: If the Company time zone is different from your user timezone, you will need to set the calendar availability to reflect the user timezone instead of the company timezone. For example, if a user is available 8am-5pm PST and the company is EST, you will need to set the calendar availability to be 11pm-8pm EST for it to show properly.
Step 4: Confirmation Settings
Form Settings
Custom Form - you can set a custom form for the booking widget instead of the default form which having first name, last name, email, and phone fields
Use Sticky Contact - Follows the contacts journey and keeps information they have entered
Use Stripe Payment – Must have Stripe integrated on your account. Choose Amount, Currency type, and message for charge description
Notification & Additional Options
Let calendar auto confirm my appointment - Auto confirm an open sport on your calendar
Send appointment alert emails to the assigned team member - Please note that if this is selected sometimes the emails may look like the appointment was not auto confirmed
Allow google calendar to send invitations or update emails to attendees – Allow google to notify attendees of appointment
Allow rescheduling – Option for the client to reschedule
Allow cancellation – Option for the client to cancel
Additional notes – Contains a link to reschedule or Cancel
Pixel ID - It will come through as part of your schedule
Form Submissions
Form submit Redirect URL - In case you have a confirmation, page and want visitors to go on the next level of the funnel
Customize Thank You Message - Type in the box here if you want something different then the default message
Click Complete to confirm your changes and save your settings.
Step 5: View Your Calendar
Calendars that have been saved to the account will appear in the Calendar settings
Click on … to make changes:
Edit – Make Changes to Calendar
Disable Service – Disables calendar until it is enabled again
Delete – Delete calendar from the account