Video Transcription:
All right. This video is going to be talking through messenger and how to use it. So what this is going to do is it's going to teach you how in a, when folks go to your Facebook page and they, um, they send a message how to kick off an automated campaign and then how to reply to them as well. So you can see here that we've created a messenger campaigns. We can go into campaigns, you can create a new campaign. And if you're looking for the messenger step, when you hit add event, you have the opportunity to hit messenger right there. So you can see we've just created one step. It says, Hey, contact for his name I'm running around the shop right now, but can definitely answer your questions. What's up. That's not necessarily great copy, but just an example for the, the demo here. And, uh, what we've done is we've published that. And then we could add more steps if we so wanted, if we wanted the automation to go on longer. And so what's nice is if you set up your Facebook page and your, your messenger to have preprogrammed options that they can click on. So when they click send message, they could get, you know, get started or ask a question or I'm interested. And by having that exact phrase, what we can do is we can go to our triggers and let's add a new trigger here, and we'll just call it messenger demo. And what we're going to do is we're gonna say when a customer replies, and then we're gonna go ahead and add a filter, and we want to say in Facebook messenger, and then we want to say exact phrase match, and let's say our example is get started. So when they click on one of those buttons in Facebook messenger, it'll say, get started and that will kick off this trigger. And then we can go ahead and we can add them to the campaign that we created. Doesn't want to find it. There it is. Nope. All right, so let's go ahead and then we could add them, you know, we could add tags, we could update a pipeline. We could add to multiple campaigns. And then what we can also do is if we had different options and different campaigns, so different options of Facebook messenger, like I have a question, we can put them into a different campaign and have multiple triggers. So we'll save that it's active. The campaign was active. So then let's, uh, let's see what happens up in the conversations. All right. So what we did is we went to messenger. We clicked on get started, and you can see our good friend demo account said get started. And this automatically responded with, Hey, damn, I'm running around the shop right now, but can definitely answer your questions what's up. And so then we can continue and you can see here, send FB message. This is where you could click send SMS, send to me, email, send FB message. But what you'll notice is send SMS and send email are not existing because we do not have the contacts, phone number or email. So as you're chatting with them, you get that information. You can just put that in right here and then you'll have the ability to text them and email with them as well. So that is how you use Facebook messenger.